"Infinito ao cubo", Rejane Cantoni e Leonardo Crescenti

Rejane Cantoni e Leonardo Crescenti, 2007
*obra exposta na pinacoteca do estado de são paulo, em maio de 2007.
Imagine a 3 x 3 x 3 mirrored cube suspended 25 centimeters from the floor supported on a crosspiece in the center of a base having four springs, one on each corner. Two of its facets rotate on its central axle. One facet pivots and the other facet balances. This pivoting wall also acts as an entrance door to its interior.
When looking from the outside, the mirror reflects the surrounding area. When looking from the inside, upon closing the door, infinite reflections appear in all directions. The walls do not touch, in other words, the external area is visible through lines that are 3 centimeters thick and 3 meters long. These lines are reflected while maintaining the color, light and the movement of the external area, wherein the multiple reflections generate a kaleidoscope effect.
Imagine being at the center of this cube that, in turn, is being reflected on each of its six walls and throughout all the corner edges and angles.
When positioned in the center, the cube is aligned on its neutral horizontal position of 0º and the reflections are now orthogonal. Walking straight ahead the entire cube inclines up to 3º balancing on the wall in front at an angle relative to the assemblage of up to 3º, distorting the area reflected on the inside, curving it downwards. Walking backwards, the wall is balancing in the opposite direction, and the area curving upwards. Moving to the left, the entire cube inclines up to 3º to the left, pivoting the wall behind it, likewise, in up to 3º and curving the space reflected to the left while, moving to the right causes a symmetrical effect. Walking to one of the corners, the result is a composite of two of these four movements.
3o is an angle that, when multiplied by 30 reflections, causes 90º of the last reflection to disappear.
Depict infinite space using your body mass, and through your movement inside the cube. Construct curves upward or downward, to the left or to the right softly tilting the assemblage, pivoting two of its walls using a precise system of counter-weight, grooved pulleys and steel cables. The reflected architecture sliding subtlely on the external facets make the cube almost invisible, mimicking the surroundings. The sensation of a closed space exploding to the infinite invokes thoughts of dimmensionality. Understanding the infinite is possible. Infinite cubed is merely mathematically impossible.

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